
Welcome to Tammerverse

Immersive metaverse of Tampere industrial fields


The best of Web 3

Tammerverse uses best of web 3 technologies for immersive and transparent experience


Artificial intelligence

NFT based transparense

About project

Young students would have possibility to answer questionnaire about their vision of manufacturing industry. AI powered helper classifies answers and provides tailored materials related to industrial scene.

It also preselects fitting industries and companies and chooses VR scene from prebuilt examples.

See demo

Why Tammerverse

Online courses and interviews

Questionnairs to help students learn about career paths

Immersive XR experience of Tampere's industry

Why Tammerverse




Developer, Web3 enthusiast



Entrepreneur, Startups, Web3

Rewarded Learning

Learn about Tampere's learnng and working opportunity in Industrial field. Answer quizzes and earn NFT awards.

Earned NFTs are powered by Solana blockchain and would be available in user's wallets.

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Immersive 3D map of Tampere city with provided manufacturing companies and presented industries.

Partner companies can select scene or mini game relevant to their technology and place it on the map. App visitors are able to explore loaded scenes and learn about the industry in the new way.


3D Scenes and Mini games

Various 3D scenes and mini games with immersive XR experience.

Help young student to understand the present state of manufacturing industry in fun and interactive way.

Check demo scene